How to open a sole proprietorship in the Czech Republic?
Assistance with the registration of a private entrepreneur.
From 2000 Kč

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To start a self-employed business (IE) in the Czech Republic (to obtain the "živnostenský list") you will need the following documents:

  1. Passport: A valid passport with a long-term visa or residence permit (temporary stay) authorizing you to engage in business activities.

  2. A valid visa or residence permit: A document proving your legal stay in the Czech Republic. It must also authorize you to carry out business activities.

  3. Legal address: You need to get consent from the owner to use their address as your firm's registered office.

  4. Certificate of no criminal record: This document must be translated into Czech by a court interpreter. A criminal record certificate confirms your proper reputation.

  5. Funds for state fees: When registering a sole proprietorship, you will be required to pay a state fee of CZK 1,000.

  6. Choice of activities: Before registering, you must decide on the types of business activities you plan to engage in. These activities are selected from the "seznam živností", which lists the different types of business activities.

After collecting all the necessary documents, you submit them to the živnostenský úřad (Business Administration Office). An employee of this office will accept your application and register you as a self-employed person. You will then have to report your status to the Social Insurance Fund (ČSSZ) and the tax office (Finanční správa).

Do not forget that the described process may change depending on the legislation and requirements at the time of your registration. Therefore, it is always better to additionally check for up-to-date information on official sources or seek advice from specialists familiar with Czech law and procedures.

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